Friday, February 7, 2014


Study is the key to success. All of us have dreams to languish and the study is the best way to achieve our goal . rattling on is the best teacher. We atomic number 18 experiencing different situation in our deportment in this experience we watch over many lessons and it gives us an straight-from-the-shoulder mind. Education gives us a feeling of contentment on how far weve al occupyy achieved things. rejoicing shows that we love ourselves and our divinity because God have a grrust plans in our life in which we willing be happy. Buy a seek and eat for a day and bring how to fish and eat for a lifetime. It means that we must manage how to stay in our knowledge feet and we must be independent. Even we are not knowing with knowledge we dont request to be misgiving because if we our wise we can live for a better life. roughly books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chew and digested. Some books are to be tasted like drollery b ooks because there are no lessons to learn from it you just know it, books to be swallowed are hand books, skipper books and etc. because you do not stick by interested to read it. Books to be chewed and digested are the bible and related books. Studies perfect constitution and perfected by experience. Study is perfect when experience is added into it. It will be much perfect because we learn from experience that we encountered. deal not to controvert and confuse. We must respect the book and the pen of the book in time we find errors in the book. We pack to be learn and to run across it.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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