Saturday, February 8, 2014

Essay 1

Final Exam Review derriere D. Rockefeller Born: 8 July 1839 provenience: Richford, modern York Died: 23 May 1937 Best Known As: Standard Oil tycoon and big-time philanthropist One of the richest Americans in history, rear D. Rockefeller was the founder of the Standard Oil Company and, later, a philanthropist whose wealth bankrolled the Rockefeller Foundation. Hard-working and meticulous, Rockefeller started out small and then actualize his slew via hard-nosed and sometimes controversial business tactics, which hurt since made him an entrepreneurial hero to some, a greedy fi conclusion in the eyes of others. He started in the oil business, and by the end of the century the Standard Oil Trust controlled so some other interests that it fell afoul of anti-trust laws. In 1911 the U.S. peremptory court of justice called Standard Oil a monopoly and pressure the Trust to elucidate into competing companies. By that time Rockefeller himself was no long-range involved in running the business, having devoted himself completely to benignity since 1896. He gave international millions to schools, health organizations and civic projects through the Rockefeller Foundation, which endures today. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was in the family business only briefly out front devoting himself to philanthropy with the Rockefeller Foundation... the elderberry bush Rockefellers grandson, Nelson Rockefeller, was a four-time governor of New York and vice president of the unify States from 1974-77 under Gerald Ford. Spanish-American War engagement between the U.S. and Spain that ended Spanish compound rule in the New World. The war originated in Cubas trial for independence. The newspapers of William Randolph Hearst fanned U.S. understanding for the rebels, which increased after the unexplained desolation of the U.S. warship Maine on Feb. 15, 1898. Congress passed resolutions declaring Cubas right to independence and demanding that Spain pack its arme d forces. Spain stated war on the U.S. on Ap! ril 24. Commo. George Dewey led...If you urgency to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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