Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Jenkins/Partee measureation August 9, 2009 Arguments ar made on some(prenominal) sides regarding who pays levied revenuees, the purchaser or the seller. In my opinion, the argument that seems most logical and true(a) is that twain(prenominal) pay the taskes regardless of who the government says it is taxing. The amount pay by the buyer or the seller leave behind vary, however, the consumer as well as the seller eventually ordain both carry the tax burden. The article by Steven Walkers, State to pop charging sales tax on online digital purchases Oct. 1, specifically do byes how Wisconsin result collect taxes on Internet downloads. The article claims that this tax go out cost consumers $6.7 a year. Though the article does non specifically address the cost to the sellers, it does mention that this tax should somewhat form the playing field. This will happen because the savings previously endure by buyers with appear the tax, will n o longer exist. These consumers may accept more often to do business locally instead. The immature York Times article, Marijuana Supporters Welcome a Tax sum up by Jesse McKinley, has a different intertwine on the subject. instead of concerns about who is paying the change order 15% on Marijuana, it turns out that some Californians are merely happy to learn of the overpower vote in opt of the increased tax. This means at that place is a great approval of Marijuana not lone(prenominal) for medicinal purposes, but, even mayhap eventually as a legalized entertainment drug. Concerning the effect tax has on supply and demand, agree to our text book construe a tax on the market shrinks the size of the market. For the raw Wisconsin tax on digital purchase, the discussion did not address this possibility. It does seem possible that the increased cost might uphold demand. Most digital purchases are not basic want; they are what is defined as elasti c. Movies and photos are extras an individua! l purchase, not a necessity. The new tax could result in raft purchasing...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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