Sunday, February 2, 2014

First Industrial Revolution

Running head : THE FIRST INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONThe [Author s Name][Tutor s Name][Class]AbstractThe quit of the ordinal century has become the turning point in the estimable evolution of society . The which is not known as unmatchable of the major human achievements , dates back to the 1790s and is interesting in a sense that it was caused by a whole prepare of kind and scotch factors and led to the development of the new brotherlyThe p The balance of the 18th century has become the turning point in the technological evolution of society . The dates back to the 1790s , and is interesting in a sense that it was caused by a whole aline of genial and frugal factors and led to the development of the new social . It should be noted that prior to the , European society in general (and England , in particular ) had displayed the features of pre-industrial economy : the economic surplus was almost zeroed the economy was stagnant agriculture was the basic economic activity broader populations were not given a single opportunity to enjoy the benefits of higher living standards (Deane , 1999The came as an urgent and give away of the blue(predicate) response to the rapid growth of population , introduction of laws in England , and dramatic increase in food production (Hooker , 1996 . raw(prenominal) English laws led peasants to leave their lands and to move to cities thus exchange magnitude urban...If you want to get a full essay, instal it on our website:

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