Sunday, February 9, 2014


Over travel bying Rebecca: Hey guys, experience you guys saw my raw(a) mobile ph iodine? It has so umteen crude features. Sheryl: Yes, but I thought you ethical bought a new mobile phone last month. Shih Ying: Rebecca I think of you be over using up. Rebecca: No Im not. Shih Ying: why take ont you tell us why did you maturate a new mobile phone when your sr. one is still in good conditions? Rebecca: Well first, I bought it because they atomic number 18 giving a big discount for it. anyhow that, in all of my friends are using it and they keep sexual congress me how cool is the new features. I want to be accepted, so I bought it. Any expression, I have been studying so heavy(p) for the last on the whole month. I do exact to threat myself. Sheryl: Rebecca, do you think it is necessary for you to spoil that new mobile phone? Overspending core spending more than necessary. Do you know that bankruptcy is a serious result of overspending. at that place are ove rly many people who are in credit card debt because they overspend. Rebecca: If Im real overspending, how can I debar it? Shih Ying: There are a lot of ways to avoid overspending. First, be aware of how such(prenominal) specie you spend. Keep track of the money you have pass so that you wont overspend. Next, dont spend time where it is easy to spend money. taste going to a park instead of going to a shopping prom to spend your free time. You can also avoid spending by habit. For example, you spend RM5 a daylight on tiffin doesnt mean this habit has to delay forever. You can give taking your own lunch. Rebecca: I did visualize in front that make a list of things that you want to deprave is a way to avoid overspending. Is it true? Sheryl: Yes, its true. This helps you to have a suck up intention when shopping. It also means youll buy things because you need them, quite a than because they look nice. Give items objective ratings is also a way to avoid overspending . Shih Ying: You should also avoid impulsiv! e spending. tell on an effort to have a act of reflection before buying anything. This also gives...If you want to get a adequate essay, order it on our website:

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