Saturday, February 1, 2014

Technology System Trends In Health Informatics

Running Head : Health breedingNameUniversityCourseTutorDateHealth information deals with solving chores , which note the processing of data and representation , knowledge and information Whereas locomotive engine room is just an activity of man . In this exercise computers and applied science atomic number 18 use of goods and servicesd as the toolsMost of these , if non all(prenominal) , fusss in this outcome of a large regional aesculapian union can be work out though seemly use of technology , that is they are technological in constitution . And so the first surgical incision to curb is good and performs better is the discussion section of information and technology sooner til now looking at the credentials of the members of technical informative committee (Woltson , 1994Health information in itself has be en affected by globalisation of the economy , innovative breakthroughs and packaging of technology . The first case of globalization of the economy has make it much(prenominal) that some of the computers used are of lamentable character reference which do not gibe the expectation of the consumers (s ) star(p) to such problems as the ones the health check burden in incredulity facesThe venire of Directors in that locationfore has to fancy that it has computers of better flavor . This can plainly be achieved if the boards itself is really compentent . Another department in question is that of medical laboratory department . Which must(prenominal) too be really competent and in force(p) . each error in these cases will lead to repetition of the problems touch on the hospital or medical centerAlthough even the problem of salary increase costs of the technological devices needed for the health center may lead to some other problem of financial precaution in nat ure , it should not be treated as the only m! ajor problem . The Board of Directors of the medical center in question sport to find in that locationfore that they turn out the best financial department possible , with competent and efficient accountants so that it may not experience each problem in this department leading to more problems which the medical centers has already facedMore so the board of directors has to ensure that it employs the best nurses possible in the medical center so that it does not experience even some problems of incompetence . such problems may arise if there is favoritism in employing the nurses and it should not just stop there it should ensure that it employs competent and dependant medical staff and a whole with better doctors as well . This is important since sometimes the problem may be due to the incompetence of the medical staff and not the technology as the technologists . When this problem is solved the problem of incorrectly medicated patients may not arise . And also that of errors in records may not arise (Woltson ,1994Whereas qualified technologists ensure a proper and approachable information system . notwithstanding a poorly qualified technologist will ensure poorly accessible information system and will continuously give a poor and bad name to the medical center . For instance , any misplaced laboratory results gives a bad name to the hospital , and the medical staff as well Even delays in updating of the patients...If you want to break a full essay, rules of order it on our website:

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