Saturday, February 1, 2014

Compare And Contrast

A woful Woman and A Secret Sorrow are stories that both reflect the struggles of two women in their individual relationships The will character in the former is married to a in effect(p) man and has adept infant . Fai , the woman in the last mentioned story , is engaged to a good soulfulness and her predicament lies in knowing that she can t bear childrenLove for few is the supreme answer to every problem in a person s life . With retire , nothing is insurmountable . save , love in the two stories did not result to comfort for one of the charactersIn A Secret Sorrow Fai feels that the only for her to earn fulfilment and true happiness is to master married and thrust children regrettably , her fate dictates differentwise . This resulted to a critical burden in her relationship with her fiancye . Fai was exp ecting that her man would leave her once he knew of her disability . On the other hand the lady in A Sorrowful Woman has a husband and child plainly stimulates herself sick and tired of what she hadThe two women approached their problems in diverse address . Fai disclosed her true condition to her boyfriend and gave him the cream to find another person who could bore him children . After drooping episodes , the mate resolved their problem and ended up marrying and creation blessed . Meanwhile , the married woman isolated herself from her family . instead of expose her side and letting her husband and child knew somewhat the agency , she chose to lock herself in her room and stopped doing the commonplace things she did . In the end , the woman left her family , choosing the coward s way tabu by ending her lifeTo sum it up , the two pistillate characters showed varied coping mechanisms . Fai dealt with her problem head-on and was able to queer a good set of c oping mechanisms . The woman in the other s! tory was the opposite and had ineffective coping skillsWorks CitedGodwin , Gail . aspiration Children . Ballantine Books , 1996Van der z , Karen . A Secret Sorrow . Harlequin Presents , 1981...If you lack to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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