Saturday, December 21, 2013

Children with Autisim Spectrum Disorder

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders such(prenominal) as autism or Aspergers syndrome see their world in a very contrary way. The filtering mechanism in their brains a great deal works in a different way in assimilating the senses such as touch, smell, hearing, perceptiveness and sight. They may be extremely sensitive to some senses and visit seemingly affair sluicets fascinating - the patterns of light on a wall, or the murmurous leaves in the wind. The autistic small electric razor may also be unresponsive to sensations that their parents find unpleasant, such as extreme heat, cold-blooded or pain.   sensational experiences that parents dont even notice may be extremely frightening or unpleasant for a child - the feel of a genuine fabric, sounds of certain frequency, particular modify or seemingly debonair foods. The childs replys can easily be interpreted as contrary misbehavior. Along with this will often be difficulties in achievement, coordination and co mprehend where ones body is in a given space, leading to worthlessness and barrier with tasks such as dressing.   These are problems with sensory(a) integration, as the nervous system has difficulty receiving, filtering, organizing and making use of sensory information, commonly known as stunning Integration Dysfunction. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
  Sensory Integration involves various systems in our bodies: The vestibular system responds to movement and gravity The proprioceptive system receives feedback from joints and muscles and joints Our quintet senses - sight, hearing, touch, eyesight and smell.   Characteristics of Sensory Integration Dysfunction FOLLOWIN! G ARE about SIGNS THAT A CHILD MAY HAVE A disfunction IN SENSORY-MOTOR PROCESSING: REPETITIVE BEHAVIORS SUCH AS SPINNING, manoeuver bang OR FLAPPING OF HANDS pitiable COORDINATION AND HANDWRITING POOR marrow CONTACT SHORT ATTENTION SPAN evasion or over reaction to touch Difficulty identifying objects by touch Clumsiness and lack of balance Repetitive or slow speech Lack of body image and awareness...If you privation to point a full essay, order it on our website:

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