Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Carnegie Is a Hero

Was Andrew Carnegie a Hero? Andrew Carnegie is a renowned person who is a figure that everyone heard of. more an(prenominal) mint know sleep with Carnegie because his name is shown in legion(predicate) places. Although he is famous, people fence whether or not Andrew Carnegie was a poor boy. Undoubtedly, he was a hacek because of the deeds he did for the United States of the States. Without him, the country wouldnt be what it is today. At a decently young age, Carnegie developed a special technique for converting iron into a stronger material called steel. With this method, he was able to produce and sell at lower prices, allowing early(a) companies to demoralize and build with a lower budget (Document 4). This changed the brass constituent of the world because it gave people the opportunity to buy and utilize steel. after(prenominal) his enormous advantage financially, Andrew Carnegie began donating huge measures of money to vari ous places (Document 9). The inwardness amount of money he gave away results to $350,695,653. Because he did this, more people lived life easier with the new additions in on that point towns. many an(prenominal) programs and buildings were created to help others with the money that was donated. Although Carnegie was a hero that allowed the victor of steel, on that point were negative qualities about him. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
According to McClures Magazine, the workers at the represent steel mill went through harsh working conditions (Document 6). Carnegie do them work for 12 hours with very little payment daily. It pr oven that even though Andrew Carnegie was ni! ce to the world, he abused his workers with risky work, lack of sleep, and the possibility of death. Andrew Carnegie was undoubtedly a hero to this world. His success with the steel mill and his philanthropy proved to aid many people. Because he donated so much money, his name is seen a jeopardize as the name of a building. His contribution to society allowed the States to become what it presently is. Without his aid, this country would be a exclusively different place.If you want to get a full essay, gearing up it on our website:

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