Monday, December 23, 2013

Argumentative Essay: Is Television a Bad Influence on Children?

Middle check Public Debate Program -- www.middle broadcast fodder for thought should be banned in schools Key toll Obesity Diabetes operating surgeon General USDA Sources Parents Advocating School Responsibility Commercial Alert cast off Food Page Fact vex In the sometime(prenominal) two age, over a dozen states grant considered edict limiting the availability of chuck out food in schools, requiring vending machines be turned off during authorized hours, or increasing the price of unhealthy food to disapprove its sale. Todays teenagers are near 3 measure as likely to be overweight than they were 20 divisions ago. Arguments in favor of banning junk food A 2001 Surgeon General write up found that 14 part of American peasantren are obese. This is compared with 4 percent in 1963. The report also noted that 300,000 people die separately year from obesity-related illnesses or conditions made worse by obesity. throw by foods, high in fat and sugar, contribute to weight spend a penny and obesity, which in turn puts children at risk for diabetes, heart affection and another(prenominal) health problems. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
One of the Surgeon Generals recommendations is that schools propose healthier food options and restrict access to junk food in vending machines. USDA rules state that school lunches should harbor no more than 30% fat, but the national ordinary is 34%. It is estimated that high school lunches provide only 20% of the neat vitamin levels. Ea! ting lots of sugary food suck ins students little subject to pay attention in class or commit well on tests. Parents should monitor a childs diet, but while a student is absent from their enhances, the school must function as a parent and do what is crush for the students. While the parents cannot be there to bring off a students meals, a school should make sure those meals do not include junk food Schools should set a good framework of nutritious...If you want to hold out a full essay, order it on our website:

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