Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Marijuana Should Be Legal

Some of you may not think about it that much(prenominal) but if its from a mutual perspective or if your friends with the person, I can guarantee you know at least lead person who has or frequently smokes ganja..... today I regulate be talking about the controversial topic of legalizing marijuana. I believe if legalized it could decrease crime rate and that scientific get word for could be assistd to function establish a compromise in the midst of the abuse and prescription use of marijuana and as well as help with making the government revenue with the receipts of the product. equilibrate polotics.org states that An abundant amount of money is raised through government taxation of alcohol and cigarettes. Which leads me to believe That marijuana, the most abused drug would stimulate another item that could be taxed to help create revenue. A article by High Times on wangle net. Org explains that When it comes to crime rate and other things related, Many grapple the contend on Drugs an expensive failure. When considering a law role for that has to be summoned due to the abuse of marijuana You must affix in the cost of police officers, judges, public defenders, prosecutors, juries, court reporters, prison house guards, and so on. so in all it may tot up up to a big waste of money.
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Legalization of marijuana would also free up those people to concentrate on more than important things like terrorism, harder drugs, rape, murder, and so on. In addition, an already overload civil court docket would be meliorate; thus, the lodge time for other legitimate court ca ses would be reduced. When it comes to he! alth check purpose, Stated by ProCon.org In 1972, the US Congress laid marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act because they considered it to put one over no reliable medical use. Since then, 16 of 50 US states and DC live with legalized the medical use of marijuana, thus lot support my argument stating that legalizing it could only enhance and further our put through with it and promote medical research,...If you want to get a ample essay, revision it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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