Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Teenage Declaration of Independence

We, the so-called adolescents, in an effort to eradicate sweeping world(a)izations, ephebiphobia, and variation on the sole butt of age, demand the fair and aid treatment of those called teens. From age fourteen a person is held licitly accountable for their forgeions in a court of law in the United States of America. Yet that same person who could be interact as an adult in negative situations is non considered a right adult. It stands to reason that if a person is considered responsible plentiful to be held liable in event of a culpable armorial bearing they would also be mature enough to act in all situations as an adult- non merely in a fell sense. Though often referred to as issue adults, those aged thirteen through nineteen are comfort treated as children. Laws, societal leaders, and older adults in general seek to concur teenagers from the world, as well as guard the world from teenagers. Sacrificed in this endeavor to protect, and, more(prenominal) rightly, control the races young are the rights of the very persons that are, apparently, being protected. say of such is form in voting age restrictions and curfew laws.
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While, in the eyes of the census, everyone xv years and older is considered an adult, teenagers are not allowed to vote, are laboured to be dependant upon their parents, and, near importantly, forced to attend school. It is most observable, out of all places, in schools that our circumstantial age assemblage is considered a type of quasi-person rather than richly human beings. supposedly the schools give a basic leve l of comprehension, reading, and mathematics! . Not only is this a most painfully evident fabrication and falsehood, as various studies will show, but the origin itself is little more than a part-time penitentiary. On a daily basis students are subjugated, bent to the will of the administration. Their rights suppressed, if not entirely eliminated. In public schools students are told what to wear and what they evoket, what...If you want to trance a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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