Thursday, November 28, 2013

An Analysis of The Coca Cola Company's Markets

The Coca- pinhead telephoner is one of the largest soft drink endure and sirup manufacturers which operate in almost all the countries in the world. During the premier(prenominal) few months of 2000, Coca-Cola?s market capitalization was almost tether times that of its chief competitor, PepsiCo and at the end of the year 2005, PepsiCo was competent to surpass Coca-Cola by $.5 bn. This was the first time in the redeem up of the companies that Coca-Cola was valued less than its rival enemy. Coca-cola?s delegation mean that the company should do a thorough field of battle and investigation, i.e. a marketing audit and recommending a plan of carry through to correct the company?s marketing performance. SWOT ANALYSISStrengths--Brand fall upon reputation-Great phase of products-Bottling-Consistent powerful logo display.Weaknesses--Lack of understanding of cultural differences and consumer behaviour-Packaging-Lack of monetary resources by regional bottlers. Opportunities--Inc reased brand recognisability and spheric strategy-Bottling system-Increase product disputation in less developed countries-Increasing product diversification.Threats--New and viable competitors, PepsiCo-Substitutes-Changing attitudes of consumer towards health consciousness-Consumer buying power-Political and economic instability. INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT:Seven P?s of Marketing- ProductoThe objectives of the Coca Cola Company are to pick up guest satisfaction. They are in business with products and therefore they recognise to distribute it and consequently, customers are necessary. oCoca Cola has a very dandy global market. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
oThe market is growing everyday! . oThe Coca Cola Company is an conventional product but a few of their otherwise products much(prenominal) as their energy drink and sugar free drinks, juice products, health products and bottled water are fairly new. These products will motivation a lot of promotion and explanation on its contents. oNew products came later(prenominal) than PepsiCo. oTheir of import competitor is PepsiCo and bulk prefer Coca Cola products although it is more than expensive. oIts products are a household name and its commitments to the likes of people from polar cultures and backgrounds... If you want to get a full essay, rear it on our website:

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