Friday, November 15, 2013

How we got the job done To obtain the data

How we got the job done To obtain the data that we needed to do this assignment we had to use several different in like mannerls or materials. To cut with you will need: String of different sizes, a ruler, I recommend a meter stick with centimeter measurements, composite loads not to large, a stopwatch, and a protractor to measure your bounty. To stick out we got all of the materials that are needed. Next we tide our cause train at the length of 92cm to the light fixture above. past we added a 20g weight to the end which is the bob. Then we swung it from the amplitude of 50 degrees recording how many an(prenominal) cycles it makes in ten seconds. After that we measure out it by 6 to find the frequency. We then did the same both other time changing the potbelly of the bob to 200g and 500g. That was the mass test. Secondly we did the length test. To do this we measured a weave out to 1 meter and with a 500g weight and the amplitude of 50 degrees timed it again for ten seconds then measureing it by six for the frequency. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
over again we did this two more clock shortening the length of the string to 70cm then 50cm. Finally we did the amplitude test. With the mass of 500g and the length of 50cm we time-tested the amplitude. Starting with the amplitude of 80 degrees we again timed the total of cycles in ten seconds. We did so two more times lowering the amplitude too 70 then follow up to 60 degrees. If you indigence to get a full essay, golf-club it on our website:

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