Sunday, October 6, 2019

Who is Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Who is Jeffrey Dahmer - Research Paper Example Certain incidents of his life are in line to shape his personality as a murderer, however, it cannot be stated as the reason to give anyone freehand to do what he was up to. This paper will analyze the character of Jeffery Dahmer as a murderer who was involved in doing illicit homosexual activities and finally killing and humiliating the corpses of his victims during his criminal life. According to his parents stated opinion, Dahmer was initially cool minded and also had group activities with his friends and classmates but after his surgery of hernia when he was only six years old, his personality as a whole showed a number of transformations. Hernia surgery of Dahmer can be categorized as the first incidence of Dahmer’s life that brought some mental problems in his life as he shifted from being a normal child to a child showing abnormal traits. (Davis, 1991). Later on, he moved from his residential place to Bath Ohio that added to his seclusion, as he has to leave all his mat es. He started showing interest in school newspapers giving criminal stories. He also developed a taste for drinking (Masters, 1993). As a student, he was not good and showed little concern towards his studies. The harsh realities of life distracted his father and mother. Their disconnection added fuel to his negative personality and his father was unable to show proper concern towards a son who started as being negative as a teenager. His mother left him and his father had to move from one place to another place in connection with the business besides developing an illicit relationship with another woman. After separation from his mom, he felt himself more insecure and abandoned. His being left friendless and abandoned compelled him to walk on a path, which was not at all tolerable for a society where moral values and ethics matter (Masters, 1993). His activities were totally against the moral values of a society having a motto â€Å"Live and Let Live†. During his studies at Ohio State University, unlike a student-like attitude, Dahmer showed no interest in his studies and was involved in massive drinking habits. University administration took him to the task many times for his indifferent attitude but their actions failed to put him on the right track. Under his father’s pressurized persistence, Dahmer joined the Army for a period of six years in the year 1979. His father considered that by joining the force, he would be able to rectify his personality and personal problems but his habits of drinking were uncontrollable. He was unable to continue his profession in Army and got out within a period of two years only. (Davis, 1991). After being discharged from Army, he was so mentally disturbed that he got involved in more drinking and establishing illicit and illegal relationship with his friends. One such initial incident that took place in his life was with a 19 years old boy named Steven whom he invited to his father’s home to drink and to have sex with him. He drank frequently during the sexual intercourse. Dahmer’s first kill was this boy as he was hit hard on his head for his struggle to leave Dahmer. Dahmer not only killed the boy but also chopped up his body into many pieces and put the pieces in plastic bags and put in the wooden box around his father’s property. After a considerable period of time, he opened up the wooden box and smashed bones and head of Steven for placing in the forest. This shows that Dahmer was mentally not absent minded, as he knew that he had to hide what he had done wrong. His age was 18 years when he murdered mentioned boy (Davis, 1991). Jeffery Dahmer continued to

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