Friday, October 18, 2019

Principles, Theories, and Practice of Learning Essay

Principles, Theories, and Practice of Learning - Essay Example The essay "Principles, Theories, and Practice of Learning" talks about the process of learning which is as a result of practice, training, or experience. For behavior change to occur, the learner must be in a position to express the impact of learning when confronted with a condition that necessitates the expression of the acquired knowledge. Operant conditioning theory expresses the behavior as a function of its consequences. In essence, an action that produces positive consequences is easily repeated over a longer time. On the other hand, behaviors that yield negative consequences are shunned. Skinner demonstrated the application of the operant conditioning theory using rats in a box. In this case, demonstration, whenever the rats pressed on a small bar in the box, food would come out. This positive feedback resulted in a constant pressing of the bar by the rats hence behavior change. This theory exonerates voluntary behaviors as a manifestation of learning. The practicality of ope rant conditioning can be enhanced in a classroom environment through rewarding of exemplary performances. Awarding prizes to learners with different skills and abilities inclines them to uphold such behaviors. Award of prices boosts the morale of the learners and compels them to exploit all avenues for good performance. Cognitive learning theory assumes that everyone is conscious of his or her actions and behavior. It asserts that learning is achieved through the pre-coded relationship between the stimuli and response.

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