Thursday, August 29, 2019

What do you want to achieve as an employment intern with caesars Essay

What do you want to achieve as an employment intern with caesars entertainment - Essay Example The company would help me in building an exceptional verbal and written communication skill-set, providing me with ability to communicate efficiently with people around work. I believe at Caesar’s I would learn how the casino industry works and over time I would be able to help the company with my valuable advice regarding business development. By working with this company I want to become a responsible employee, more career-oriented and eager to learn new about various technologies at work in the industry. While at Caesar’s I also hope to master the art of loyalty and customer retention as I believe it is essential in building my career as I go forward with it (Spring Employment Internship Unpaid (BLV) in Las Vegas Nevada United States, 2014). Spring Employment Internship Unpaid (BLV) in Las Vegas Nevada United States. (2014). Retrieved January 7, 2015, from Caesar Entertainment:

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