Thursday, August 8, 2019

Roman republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Roman republic - Essay Example The tremendous growth of the Roman Empire has led to the creation of a political division among the The rise of the generals has been facilitated by the social war in Rome, the uprising of the infamous Spartacus, and can also be said to have originated to the Gracchi brothers. It can be recalled that prior to the rise of generals, the ruling class is comprised of senators who often abuse their power in order to pursue their self-will. This was changed after by the Gracchi brothers: â€Å"The emergence, and eventual assassination of the Gracchi brothers, Tiberius and Gaius, is often considered the first major step towards the fall of the Roman Republic† (The Gracci Brothers 1). These brothers have completely altered the political landscape by introducing sweeping economic reforms which are very detrimental to the senatorial class. This move has caused division and created two political factions known as populares and optimates. This eventually led social wars as the sentiments of the poor has been geared toward achieving the freedom from the cruelty and slavery of the upper class. As the causes pursued by the populares become increasingly popular among the common citizens, it should be noted that generals gain more power especially through the election of Gaius Marius who is famous because of his military leadership. The insurrection of the slaves has been highlighted by the revolt of Spartacus, a freeborn provincial from Thrace. It should be noted that Spartacus is a gladiator who has escaped together with 70-80 others at the gladiatorial school of Batiatus in Capua. Spartacus has been very victorious in conquering cities and states in Italy increasing his number of followers to 120,000 at the height of the revolt (Spartacus 10). Having identified himself with the generals or the populares, his revolt highlights the rise of the generals in Rome. I

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