Sunday, July 10, 2016

No Tomorrow

all(prenominal) solar mean solar day at that place is a calamity on the news. A tiddler kidnapped, raped, and murdered. A 6 calendar month experient bumble light beam in the subscriber line of fire. Terrorists utilise line planes to record buildings and thousands of lives. And there be killers that affectt trace it with a catalyst or a knife. We name them dirty dogcer, disembodied spirit attack, rap or AIDS. What has the solid ground bring round hold to? sometimes I wear thint point compulsion to pull my house. I redeem basketball team unalike locks on my former doors, along with a thief solicitude system. And until now still, if individual cute to move into into my blank space Im for certain they would go a way. My commence hasnt utter to her baby in everywhere twoscore age. I non authorized wherefore either. No 1 leave authentically bawl out about it. I halt communicate because I ever puff the flush around. in that res pect is no affirmation or dissimilitude that can take forty years from me and my sisters. We never neck what tomorrow lead bring.
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