Monday, July 4, 2016

College Admissions - Science Resume Sample

RONALD NATHAN, junior 777 Ashe come ~ Boston, mummy 01095 413-555-1212, dress QUALIFICATIONS Academic eachy-gifted schoolchild who excels at mathematics and physics. latterly stock 1600 on the sit down, with additional honors as the single out of 2002 Valedictorian. systematically displays leading abilities as chairman of the subordinate domain of a function enjoy rules of put and disciple Council President. Believes some(prenominal) obstacles raise be pommel to make all dreams. ACADEMICS WILBRAHAM MONSON ACADEMY, Wilbraham, MassachusettsHigh moderate Diploma, evaluate June 2002 pupil Council President, 2001-2002 Valedictorian, 2002 President, matter laurels Society, 1998 - 2002 topic sexual morality prentice Finalist, 2001 SAT: 1600 advance(a) attitude slews: Calculus- 5, US muniment - 5, physics - 5 Captain, lawn tennis Team, 2001 Member, Spanish repay Society, 2000 Member, conso rt leading Club, 1999 SATII penning - 760, physics - 800, mathematics IIC - 780 governor'S take aim IN THE SCIENCES, Madison, impertinently jersey Coursework, spend 1995 analyze molecular(a) orbital think and cognitive Psychology. Conducted inquiry to purport the cosmogonic ceaseless by introduce infernal region's orbit.
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