Friday, January 3, 2014

Business Law

Running Head : NameUniversityCourseTutorDate (Answers are marked in red1 .An pen up of the partnership affairsA )Is the partner s right to inspect the books of the partnershipB )Is a discriminative review of every partnership and partners transactionsC )Is merely a demonstration of financial statementsD )May be taken only afterwards(prenominal) dissolution2 .Which chapter of the failure Act deals with family farmsA )Chapter 7B )Chapter 11C )Chapter 12D )Chapter 133 .If a seller breaches his contract with a buyer , which of the following reme wears is the buyer least(prenominal) probable to attain ? Assume that the goods in question can be obtained elsewhereA ) acquire substitute goods and retrieve any associated extra expense from the sellerB ) regain the engagement amidst the contract m iodintary value and the market p rice of the goodsC )Recovering the difference between the value of the goods the buyer real and the value of the nonconformist goods the buyer actually receivedD )Specific movement of the contract4 .Which of the following is necessary for the earth of an offerA )A penningB )A assured intent to contract on the offeror s partC )Facts and band that passably designate the offeror s intent to contractD )Reliance by the offeree on the offeror s promise5 .Alicia and Stephen are revolutionaries fighting to overthrow a wholly unjust regime . One day , Alicia says to Stephen In to die hard , we have to kill the King and all his servants Stephen relies gibibyte , I don t know whether that s right , h one and only(a)y . after all they re people too At this , Alicia says You don t key an omelette without breaking some eggs Which of the following basis shell describes Alicia s position ? If it matters , assume that Alicia s cause is justA )ConsequentialistB )Fundamentali stC )DeontologicalD )Transcendental6 . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Ted leased an flat in a building owned by Landlord . presently after Ted moved in , the toilet and water sens ceased works . Ted informed Landlord , but Landlord made no resort hotel attempts . On these facts , Ted may obtain relief underA )the implied warranty of habitabilityB )a local anaesthetic anesthetic housing codeC )the doctrine of constructive evictionD )all of the above7 .Which of the following is upright regarding the Statute of Frauds writing requirementA )The writing essential be one documentB )The writing must be signed by both(prenominal) partiesC )The writing must be the contract itselfThe writing m ust indicate the parties identities8 .The drawer of a negotiable instrumentA )Promises to pay a refractory sum of money on demandB )Is the society (usually a entrust or another financial institution ) who drafts a noteC )Includes a checking account customer who writes a check on his accountD )Is the party who receives payment on a note9 .Which of the following is least likely to be patentableA )A new technique for purgation sugar . C ) A new...If you want to get a full essay, dictate it on our website:

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