Sunday, December 22, 2019

Prevention And Treatment Of Breast Cancer Essay - 1884 Words

When we have diseases or don’t feel well, we tend to seek treatments and try to cure it as soon as possible. For this disease, there are multiple of reliable treatments and ways to cure this disease. This disease hunts women worldwide, and it’s the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S Life can be really difficult and no one wants any sickness or diagnosed with such a hard-to-cure disease like cancer. It’s the most common cancer in women in the U.S and many countries also. Breast cancer is not a deadly disease like prostate cancer that so much harder to cure. Death rates have been going down since 1989, due to more and more ways that can impact this cancer. Due to the public understands more on breast cancer by doing research, and the advance medicine makes breast cancer easy to cured. In the following paragraphs, I will be explaining on some of the risk factors, prevention, and screening on breast cancer that a woman can do to get ready and be aware of this cancer. A breast made up by three of the most important parts: lobules, ducts and stroma that are mainly for its function. The lobules are the milk producing glands, and it is important for breasting feeding the baby. In the breast, ducts are tiny tubes that carry the milk from the lobules to the nipple, and stroma were the fatty tissue and connective tissue that surrounds the ducts and lobules. Of course there are the functions of breast have more components like the blood vessels that are importantShow MoreRelatedPrevention And Treatment Of Breast Cancer3159 Words   |  13 Pagesvast majority of cancer deaths, metastasis is the complex process by which the cancer cells spread from the primary site to distant sites throughout the body by way of increased tumor invasiveness. Tumor cells persist in replication and may inadequately differentiate into specialized cells as they attain an aggressive manner. 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