Friday, September 13, 2019

Communication to Internal Publicity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Communication to Internal Publicity - Essay Example According to a current Gallop Poll, 78 percent -a larger part - parents of children show their satisfaction with the quality of education their kids are getting, at the same time as only 18 percent are discontented. On the other hand, 61 percent of all Americans say they are frustrated with the level of school education in the United States nowadays. This illustrates a nine-percentage-point increase in disappointment from 2004th. Furthermore, only 20 percent of the public has kids in secondary schools (the ones who are content with the quality of education), whereas about 80 percent (the ones who are discontented) don't have any children in school. In 1994, the U.S. Census discovered that 360,000 children in this United States were receiving their education at home. In 1996, the U.S. Department of Education estimated that the quantity had almost doubled to 640,000. A research published this summer by the U.S. Government puts the number of American kids who are getting their education at home today at 850,000 (or 1.7 percent). ... Is secondary education really not working Most scientists don't agree with that. They do recognize education is not ideal, and there are some aspects in it which are to be corrected immediately. It is also possible to find a number of things secondary education is doing correctly. The proof is overpowering that teaching and training are taking place all over the United States and that American children are more educated than those from other countries (Pawlas, 2004). Contrary to this statement Business week expresses the need of fixing public education and gives statistic evidence as a proof.  

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