Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Trust is defined in the dictionary as believing in someone. Trust is what everybody in the world desire, or should desire from one another. It is the key part of establishing a good friendship. Trust is what keeps a relationship with family good, and works as a magnet to keep the bond alive. Without trust, there is not friendship, and without friendship, there is no love. Trust is very hard to gain, but very easy to lose. To gain someone’s trust, it might be a very difficult and painful road especially if you love that person. To be told you are trusted is a great feeling, but you should never take advantage of that trust. The second you take advantage of someone’s trust, that relationship will weaken and demolish as a result of distrust. According to my second story, the girl knew that her boyfriend cheated on her and decided to leave the relationship. All the trust that she had in him was destroyed as a result of a reckless action. This story is a good example of the consequences of distrust, and how it affects a relationship. On the other hand, having somebody to trust is a wonderful feeling. It provides us support by enabling us to share secrets, stories, and other events. The feeling of being trusted might possibly be one of the best feelings a person can encounter during his lifespan, it makes us happy and strong. Trust gives us the power to help somebody by having a small talk with them about something they need help with or need advice on. In my fifth story, Stacey failed her math test and she is scared to tell her parents due to the consequences she might encounters. She couldn’t find a good solution to the problem. Her friend Ann passed by her, and started a conversation with Stacey to find out the problem. After Stac... ...shelf and immediately came up to me to ask me why the shelf is empty. I couldn’t blame it on someone else because it is my responsibility. I was given a warning but I learned no to trust anyone. It was a bad experience for me because every person likes to fulfill their job requirements in order to prove something to their bosses, but this time, I fell short because I trusted someone who cannot be trusted. Expectation has a lot to do with trust. I expected my co-worker to do what I told him and by doing this, I trusted him. These two seem to tie into each other. Part of trust is having the expectation that someone will do right and be towards you. It is why you feel safe around them. Trusting that person makes you feel more comfortable in that environment, but for me, I learned to not trust or expect anyone to help me at work because they want to be better than me.

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