Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Paper 1 edit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Paper 1 edit - Essay ExampleAs a result, the Department of Homeland Security (D.H.S) was established in 2002, to protect the American citizens from terrorist threats (Koestler-Granck 67). However, after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 the definition of threats shifted from focusing merely on terrorist threats to include the threat of catastrophic natural events (Koestler-Granck 55). Therefore, the DHS works with other agencies to ensure that all American safety is assured whether emanating from natural calamities or threats from terrorism. In fact, the Department of Homeland Security multitasking mission and with it different agencies that come from a different culture, aim to protect, void and recover American from unsafe conditions. Indeed, the Department of Homeland Security became the heart and the mind that deal with issues of content security. This paper illustrates the reason the United State is machine-accessible to DHS by demonstrating the important role DHS plays in defend th e U.S from threats (terrorist attacks and natural disaster).The Department of Homeland Security contains 22 federal entities. Therefore, despite their different duties and tasks, these entities are tasked with particular(prenominal) roles that help prevent, counteract and mitigate terror threats (Koestler-Granck 67). Based on the activities each entity performed in the past and the event of 9/11, the DHS role was identified to assist national effort to prevent, minimize and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States. Moreover, DHS is tasked with reducing the U.S weakness against terrorism. Later on, and specifically after Hurricane Katarina in 2005 the role of DHS increased to include protecting the homeland from terrorism, human made calamities and natural disaster. In fact, the DHS role focused on five main missions, which include, preventing terrorism, enhancing security and securing and managing the U.S borders. Moreover, the body also enforce and shell out immigr ation law, safeguard and secure

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