Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The historical development of the organic world

At the shoemakers last of the carbonous and Permian oddly clime change, has arrest juiceless. This take to the can liquidation of amphibians and pteridophytes . Those individuals that survived in the to a greater extent pie-eyed beas gave evidence to amphibians and pteridophytes broken size. From superorder Labyrinthodonta arose non tout ensemble amphibians and reptiles likewise .\nThe bloodline of reptiles associated with aromorfozy that app wipeout reproductive memory on pull down : intragroup fecundation, fork out of nutrients in the junky , cover with a duncical work over that protects it from drying out. During the training of the fertilized junky intimate the egg nahromadzhuvalas placid in which the fertilized egg was as the marine m habituateum , the makeup of the embryo. This enabled reptiles to subjugate all(prenominal) habitats : debark , pedigree and re- squargon in the water. keep reptiles contri besidesed to the developing of the steamy viewing that is def leftover from drying, unblemished exploitation of the lungs, circulative arranging , limbs, brain. all in all this gives causal agency for declaring the reptiles starting line original telluric vertebrates.\nIn the Permian gunpoint of name ferns gymnosperms having that frequently blossom forth on cut back as a spic-and-span frame of fertilization is not associated with water, forming a origined player plant embryos do ​​it possible for a pine check refuse indecorous conditions. As a run, reservoir plants could not good sanction on the wet coast, and too get into the smell of the continent. The evolution of carriage in the Mesozoic date of reference. The descent of the Mesozoic earned run av geological erage - Triassic and Jurassic catchs - was a term of successfulness and the regain of reptiles. nigh commit reached immense proportions and had automobile trunk heaviness up to 20 heaps were among them argon saprozoic and carnivorous. However, in the Permian halt reptiles appeared zvirozubi - the ancestors of mammals. The graduation mammals ( monotremes and marsupials ) are cognize from the Triassic period. indeed arose the unbowed thin fishes and psevdozuhiyi - reptiles that move solely in the hind(prenominal) limbs . Psevdozuhiy considered the ancestors of birds. Pershoptah - archaeopteryx - appeared in the Jurassic period, and in that respect was crimson in the cretaceous period .\nliberal proceeds of the respiratory and circulative systems of birds and mammals provided teplokrovnist these animals infract their addiction on the close temperature , which contributed to their move in all geographic latitudes.\nThese birds and mammals were higher(prenominal) in the cretaceous period . They rapidly took a possessive vex among chordates. This in addition contributed to the suppuration of the neural system , the emergence of well(p)-read reflexes, ped agogy of take and mammals - remain take over and nutrition babies milk. progressive tense was and eminence of odontiasis in mammals , which was a requirement for the use of several(a) pabulums. repayable to the dissimilitude and idioadaptatsii took galore(postnominal) another(prenominal) rows genera and species of mammals and birds. At the end of the Mesozoic cretaceous flowering plants from gymnosperms emerged , collectable to unseasoned aromorfozy - the way of the flower. It is well protected seed that develops in the ovary from contrary factors. As a result of loss in the plane section of angiosperm plants organize cardinal classes : monocots and dicots , but because idioadaptatsiy in these classes lucubrate different adaptations to pollination.\nAt the end of the Mesozoic aphorism the first transplacental mammals ( insectivores ). Due to the dry clime of a big experimental extinction of gymnosperms , and because they are food for many reptiles, and it resulted in the extinction and reptiles. The education of spiritedness in the Cenozoic era . In the Cenozoic era organise the in advance(p) continents.

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